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Notice: Fees are subject to change due to COVID-19.
More information to follow.
Puppy Classes
Adult Dog Classes
You pay in advance for a course of 8 classes. The fee is £115 per dog per course.
(Existing members pay a reduced fee of £95)
Fees must be paid to reserve your place, and they are non-refundable, subject to statutory rights.
Download a coupy of our Puppy Foundation Terms and Condititions can be found here
You pay to become a member of Four Paws, and then pay for each class you attend.
Membership: Membership runs from September 1st to August 31st. We accept new members in September, January, and April. Fees must be paid to reserve your place, and they are
non-refundable, subject to statutory rights. Fee for members joining in:-
September: £30
January: £24
April: £12
Class Fees: Members pay for every class.
Class fees are (subject to change):-
£6 per class for one dog
£4 per class for each additional dog in the same family
Class Fees
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